大独裁者 / Life


1楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:18 只看该作者

大独裁者 / Life

From: life.com

http://www.life.com/image/262846 … lds-worst-dictators

The World’s Worst Dictators




Man of Steel: Joseph Stalin

Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin – who once infamously quipped, “One death is a

tragedy; one million is a statistic.” -- forced a collectivist economy down

the Soviet people’s throats, resulting in widespread famine. Hiis epic

paranoia , meanwhile, led to the Great Purge, populating a vast collection of

gulags with those “lucky” enough not to be executed. Millions of people –

entire cultures – were uprooted and moved thousands of miles to fit into the

architecture of his idealized nation-state. Estimates of the number of deaths

he caused range as high as 20 million.

Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1930

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2楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:20 只看该作者



Brother No. 1: Pol Pot

When the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia in 1975, failed technical student

Sarloth Sar became the de facto leader of the country, calling himself Brother

No. 1 and assuming the name Pol Pot (from “politique potentielle”). Convinced

that for the country to get a fresh start, all of its culture and history had

to be eradicated, he embarked on the Year Zero campaign, a reign of terror

targeting intellectuals, Buddhist monks, the disabled, and anyone who’d ever

had contact with the West. Even simply wearing glasses was enough to qualify.

It’s believed over 1.5 million Cambodians died under Khmer Rouge rule before

it ended in 1979 – more than one in every four people in under three years.


Jan 04, 1998


3楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:21 只看该作者



Father of Fascism: Benito Mussolini

“Il Duce,” Benito Mussolini, a key architect of the political movement of

Fascism, was obsessed with the idea of reviving the greatness of the Roman

Empire. He created a secret police and headed up an army of thuggish

“Blackshirts” who used violence to quell political dissent. His ultimate goal

was conquest of other lands, either through puppet governments or invasion. By

the end of World War II, he was captured by communist partisans, executed, and

hanged upside-down on a meat-hook.

Photo: Time Life Pictures./Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1940


4楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:21 只看该作者



President Bottlecaps: Rafael Trujillo

Rafael Trujillo was elected president of the Dominican Republic in 1930 but,

once in power, he did away with elections and served as generalissimio while

various proxies acted as president under him. Known behind his back as

“Bottlecaps” because of his penchant for awarding himself medals, he required

all churches to post signs reading, “Trujillo on Earth, God in Heaven,”

enacted an openly racist policy against black Haitians, and attempted to

assassinate the Venezuelan president. In 1937, he ordered the massacre of

20,000 to 30,000 Haitians living on the border with Haiti.

Photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1955


5楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:23 只看该作者



Accused of Genocide: Omar al-Beshir

Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, who is still in power and up for re-

election in 2010, is accused by the prosecutor of the International Criminal

Court of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. According to the

charges, he masterminded a campaign of murder, torture, rape, and pillage in

the Sudan region of Darfur in an effort to wipe out non-Arab tribes. Some

estimate the conflict has claimed more than 400,000 lives and forced thousands

into slavery.

Photo: AFP/AFP/Getty Images

may 20, 2009


6楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:24 只看该作者



Malevolent Magician: Augusto Pinochet

More than 2,200 people were “disappeared” under the reign of Chilean dictator

Augusto Pinochet, with more than 30,000 tortured to prevent, as he believed

it, the country from sliding into communism. In the meantime, he was secretly

funneling Chile’s riches into the bank accounts of his family, his cronies,

and himself.

Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1977


7楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:25 只看该作者



Reddest Sun: Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong went from communist guerrilla to leader of the world’s most

populous nation in 1949, and embarked on a series of programs to bring China

in line with his Marxist ideals. Unfortunately, they also caused mass

starvation, a culture of informants, and severe political repression in which

it was a common tactic to drive opponents to suicide. In all, it’s believed

Mao was responsible for tens of millions of deaths.

Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1960


8楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:25 只看该作者



China’s Lady Macbeth: Jiang Qing

Madame Mao, as she came to be known in the West, was Mao Zedong’s powerful

third wife, a committed communist and political intriguer who formed the Gang

of Four and controlled China’s power centers as her husband’s health

deteriorated. She and her colleagues are blamed for the excesses of the

Cultural Revolution, a 10-year power struggle in which so-called bourgeoisie

elements were culled, and education and non-Maoist culture came to a

standstill. Countless priceless cultural artifacts were destroyed, millions

forced to relocate, and, according to some, about 3 million killed.

Photo: -/AFP/Getty Images

Jan 27, 1981


9楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:26 只看该作者



Conqueror of the British Empire: Idi Amin

Ugandan dictator Idi Amin eats a piece of roast chicken while watching a

parade in 1978. The 6-foot four-inch former boxer was welcomed warmly at first

when he seized power in Kampala, but the joy quickly turned to horror. Using

his power to persecute ethnic minorities, seize the property of Asians and

Europeans, and murder as many as half a million people, Amin is still best

remembered for his eccentricities. He renamed Africa’s Lake Edward after

himself, declared himself conquerer of the British empire and king of Scotland

when the U.K. broke off diplomatic ties, and fantasized about invading Israel.

Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Jan 31, 1978


10楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:27 只看该作者



Commander-in-Thief: Mobutu Sese Seko

Mobutu Sese Seko claimed he was fighting colonialism and communism when he

centralized power after taking control in a bloodless coup in 1965. But

instead, he turned the government of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of

Congo) into a money-making machine profiting primarily himself. When he

couldn’t buy out an opponent, he had him tortured or killed – including four

of his own cabinet members, whom he had executed before a crowd of 50,000.

While his people starved, he stashed his personal fortunes in Swiss banks or

lavished money on palaces, luxury cars, and personal Concorde flights to Paris

shopping excursions.

Photo: ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images

May 14, 1997


11楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:28 只看该作者



Archetype of Evil: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler poses in 1932, shortly before he becoming German Chancellor. Used

as the modern world’s measure for evil, the Austrian-born failed artist took

over Germany using its own laws, kept an iron grip on it with a repressive

police state and an ideology based on fear and hatred, and proceeded to engulf

the world in war for six years, a conflict that claimed an estimated 70

million lives, military and civilian. Under his reign, he purged the lands

under his control of Jews and other “undesirables” in what came to be known as

the Holocaust, claiming some 17 million lives.

Photo: Central Press/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1932


12楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:29 只看该作者



The Man on the Peacock Throne: Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Before the Ayatollah, there was the Shah. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to be exact,

the second – and last – shah of Iran. Taking power after his father was

ousted by a joint British-Soviet military operation in 1941, Pahlavi was

intent on modernizing Iran, but alienated religious Shi’ites while doing so.

While he luxuriated in wasteful opulence (in 1971, he celebrated the 2,500th

anniversary of monarchy in Iran with a $100 million party in a 160-acre city

of lavish pavilions), the Shah’s secret police, or SAVAK, agents assassinated

opponents and tortured suspected threats to his rule with methods such as

cattle prods, rape, snakes, acid, burnings, mock executions, and the

extraction of teeth and nails.

Photo: Dmitri Kessel./Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1951


13楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:29 只看该作者



Leader of Turkmens: Saparmurat Niyazov

After the Soviet Union fell, easily the most bizarre of the republics that

took its place was Turkmenistan, thanks to the personality cult of its

eccentric president, Sapamurat Niyazov. When the ubiquitous pictures of Lenin,

Stalin, and Marx went down, Niyazov saw to it that his image replaced them. He

renamed September after a book he wrote, January after himself, and April

after his mother. Golden statues of him were erected everywhere – including

one that rotates to always face the sun – and Niyazov took it upon himself to

enact outlandish laws, such as one forbidding lip-synching. Critics of his

regime were allegedly kidnapped and tortured to death.


Nov 01, 2001


14楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:30 只看该作者



Genius of the Carpathians: Nicolae Ceausescu

For decades, Nicolae Ceaucescu was a darling of the West, mainly because he

was the leader of a Soviet Bloc country who openly bucked Moscow. But while

internationally lauded for his independence, he ran an oppressive regime

inside Romania that may never have been exceeded in the lengths it went to

eliminate free will from its people. His secret police, the Securitate, tapped

homes, required the registration of all typewriters, collected handwriting

samples from most of the population, and employed half a million informants.

In an effort to increase the population, Ceaucescu banned abortion, made

divorce all but impossible, taxed the childless by as much as 20 percent, and

made regular pregnancy tests mandatory – leading to a child-abandonment

crisis that still resonates today.

Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1980


15楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:32 只看该作者



King of Kings: Muammar al-Qaddafi

Capt. Muammar al-Qaddafi overthrew Libya’s monarchy in a bloodless coup in

1969, and promptly promoted himself to colonel, claiming that, as the leader

of a people’s revolution, he didn’t need to be a general. Though he holds no

formal title, and claims that Libya is run through a direct democracy, no one

doubts that he and his comrades wield absolute power – and use violence to

defend it. A believer in one Arab state, and pan-African political union (he

styles himself “king of kings of Africa” and “leader of the Arab leaders”), he

has funded terrorist groups around the world, including the groups that

carried out the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics and the

1986 Berlin discotheque bombing. In 2003, Libya finally accepted

responsibility for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland 20

years earlier.

Photo: Getty Images

Apr 29, 2003


16楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:33 只看该作者



Myanmar’s Silent Ruler: Than Shwe

The chief of Myanmar’s military junta is Senior General Than Shwe, a close-

lipped soldier who is rarely seen or heard from in public. An open critic of

democracy, he rigs elections, and uses his prisons to muzzle the Burmese free

press and eliminate opponents of his regime – including Nobel Peace Prize

winner Aung San Suu Kyi.

Photo: KHIN MAUNG WIN/AFP/Getty Images

Mar 27, 2007


17楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:34 只看该作者



Leader of the Last Crusade: Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco reveals his imperial ambitions as he sits on a throne in full

military regalia in 1935. When the Allies declared victory over fascism at the

end of World War II, they neglected to mention that there was still one

fascist leader left – one who would rule Spain with an iron fist until 1975.

Gen. Franco emerged the victor of the Spanish Civil War with help from Hitler

and Mussolini, but wisely stayed out of the fray when his erstwhile sponsors

took on the Soviets, the Americans, and the Brits. To maintain his grip on

power, the self-styled “leader of the last crusade” used all the tools of the

dictator’s trade: violence, torture, concentration camps, censorship, blind

jingoism, the repression of minority groups and women, forced labor, and

political executions.

Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1935


18楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:34 只看该作者



Power Through Hatred: Slobodan Milosevic

Clawing his way to the top of a disintegrating communist Yugoslavia with the

use of Serbian-nationalist rhetoric, Slobodan Milosevic made good on his

promises once in power as Serbian president (and later as president of the

Yugoslav federation), restricting the media and passing laws like one that

made ridiculing Serbia punishable with three years in prison. As Serbian

nationalism grew more fervent in the late 1980s, Milosevic took advantage of

the tensions to gather more power for himself by enflaming ethnic and

religious hatreds. Eventually, according to his critics, he prodded Yugoslav

Serbs to strike out and form a Greater Serbia – through four wars in the

1990s that killed a quarter of a million and left 2 million homeless.

Photo: Michel Porro/Getty Images

Aug 30, 2001


19楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:35 只看该作者



Eternal President: Kim Il-Sung

Women sweep the floor in front of bronze statue dedicated to North Korea’s Kim

Il-Sung in 2000. Now revered essentially as a god in human guise in North

Korea, the man born Kim Hyong-Jik and more famously as Kim Il-Sung (the name

means “become the sun”) was a devout Stalinist even after the Soviet Union

itself tried to evolve away from the unforgiving tenets of the Man of Steel.

Like his idol, Kim cultivated a ubiquitous cult of personality, but whereas

Stalin’s reputation fell dramatically after his death, Kim was promoted to de

facto demigod status even before his passing.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images

Oct 23, 2000


20楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:36 只看该作者



Dear Leader: Kim Jong Il

The son of the “Eternal President” of North Korea has been accused of

everything from killing his own brother as a child to kidnapping a South

Korean director and his wife in a bizarre scheme to jumpstart the North Korean

film industry. Like his father, he is the center of a grotesque personality

cult in which he is worshipped nearly as a god on earth, with official

accounts making ludicrous claims about his abilities (such as shooting three

or four holes-in-one whenever he plays golf). He has reigned over some of the

worst famines in recent memory, relying on foreign aid to feed his own people

even as he pumps a huge portion of the country’s treasure into maintaining the

world’s fifth-largest army as a bulwark against some of the very nations that

are helping keep his people alive. (Kim himself, of course, lives a lavish

lifestyle, and supposedly allots his time between 17 palaces.)

Photo: STR/AFP/Getty Images

jun 10, 2008


21楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:37 只看该作者



‘Hitler Tenfold’: Robert Mugabe

“This Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for

his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights

over their resources,” Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe once said. “If that

is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold.” Regardless of his spotty grasp of

history, the onetime guerrilla fighter against white rule in Africa himself

assumed the role oppressor once in power. He has directed his government to

get involved in neighboring conflicts, and targeted whites, homosexuals, and

political opponents (his men allegedly hacked off the hands and feet of a

political rival’s wife, then set her on fire). His once-successful country now

claims the lowest life expectancy in the world – 37 years for men, and 34 for

women – and the world’s highest inflation rate – 11,250,000 percent by June

Photo: ALEXANDER JOE/AFP/Getty Images

fev 11, 2009


22楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:38 只看该作者



Crony Capitalist: Ferdinand Marcos

An 80-foot monument of Ferdinand Marcos in Pugo, Philippines, is vandalized by

tribesmen in 1986. Marcos actually started off well. In his first term as

president, he made vast improvements to the infrastructure of the Philippines,

boosted the economy, and fought corruption. But after his re-election, Marcos

shifted into dictator gear, requiring all schools and businesses to display

his portrait or be shut down, declaring martial law, closing the congress, and

arresting, torturing, and executing opposition leaders. He also dissolved

civil liberties, instituted a curfew, and shuttered the free press. Meanwhile,

he transferred billions to himself and his notoriously profligate wife,

Imelda, through foreign bank accounts and phony corporations.

Photo: LIWANAG/AFP/Getty Images

Mar 11, 1986


23楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:39 只看该作者



Real-Life Baron Samedi: Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier

Doctor-turned-dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier wielded control over the

people through roving bands of terrorizing thugs called the Tonton Macoutes,

who were more feared the national army. The voodoo religion played a major

role in his reign. Modeling himself explicitly on the voodoo loa, or god, of

the dead, he made bizarre decisions based on superstitious beliefs (he had all

black dogs put to death, and claimed he killed JFK with a curse), and required

all TV news stories to be about him. His brutal and eccentric methods drove

the educated classes out of Haiti, and some of those who stayed numbered among

the estimated 30,000 he had killed.

Photo: Michael Rougier./Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

мая 01, 1963


24楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:40 只看该作者



‘Firm as a Monkey Tail’: Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier

Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier was a teenager when he became ruler of Haiti

after the death of his despotic father, but wasn’t happy with the role,

preferring to live a lavish lifestyle as a playboy. Pressured by the U.S., he

made cosmetic changes to make the government seem less repressive, but he

showed no real desire to improve the lot of his people despite his absolute

power. Instead, he treated the national treasury as a personal piggybank, and

let the country be run by a gang of his father’s old cronies. After nearly a

decade in office, he married Michele Bennett Pasquet in a $3 million wedding

that angered the populace, and the couple embarked on a life of unsavory self-

aggrandizement, eking profits out of drugs and the sale of Haitian cadavers to

medical schools overseas while his people grew desperately poor. He now

reportedly lives in exile in Paris.

Photo: Bachrach/Getty Images

Jan 01, 1984


25楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:41 只看该作者



Imprisoned Warlord: Charles Taylor

Liberian warlord Charles Taylor didn’t even pretend to not to rule by the gun,

even using for his election slogan the ominous phrase, “He killed my pa. He

killed my ma. But I will vote for him.” Even in power, he never stopped

thinking like a guerrilla, and fomented civil wars throughout Africa with

money he raised by running guns and trading in diamonds. Meanwhile, he fought

continuous internal campaigns against insurgent groups who never accepted his

rule. In 2003, a UN tribunal issued a warrant for Taylor’s arrest, alleging

that he backed Revolutionary United Front rebels in Sierra Leone, a group

that’s accused of, among other atrocities, abducting children to become

soldiers or prostitutes.

Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images

júl. 16, 2003


26楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:41 只看该作者



Scourge of the Middle East: Saddam Hussein

Though he inarguably brought stability to Iraq, Saddam Hussein was ruthless,

executing anyone who threatened him from the very moment he came to power. He

persecuted the Kurdish minority (even using chemical warfare), started wars

against Iran and Kuwait. In case his cult of personality didn’t win his people

over to him (he had his image festooned on nearly every availably space in

Iraq), his feared secret police were fond of using torture and assassinations

to keep Iraqis obedient.

Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images

Feb 14, 2006


27楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:43 只看该作者



Jewel-Encrusted Despot: Jean Bedel Bokassa

Jean Bedel Bokassa , or Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Republic, was

a onetime lowly corporal who pinned several medals on himself, put a crown on

his head, and eventually decided he was Africa’s Napoleon Bonaparte,

celebrating his self-proclaimed imperial status with a $20 million coronation.

He banned all other political parties besides his own, fined or imprisoned the

unemployed, and instituted a morality brigade to police bars and dance halls,

all while lavishing public money on himself and relatively frivolities like

two state-subsidized orchestras. His suddenly ascension to royalty didn’t

soften his brutal touch, though – he allegedly tortured political opponents

personally, and was even rumored to eat human flesh.

Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Dec 04, 1977


28楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 21:44 只看该作者



Commander of the Faithful: Mullah Omar

Perhaps the most mysterious leader today (it’s not even entirely clear what he

looks like), Mullah Mohammed Omar is the chief of the Taliban, the extremist

Islamic group that was the de facto government of Afghanistan from 1996 to

  1. According to stories, he began his path to power when he led a group of

30 men to rescue two girls who had been kidnapped and raped by local warlords,

and his actions quickly snowballed into a mass armed movement that led him to

be “Commander of the Faithful” and ruler of Afghanistan. As head of

government, he instituted the Taliban’s incredibly harsh interpretations of

Muslim law on everyone. The list of bans was long and verged on the ludicrous

– among the forbidden were pictures, music, dancing, clapping at sporting

events, kites, the cutting of beards, chess, stuffed animals, Christmas cards,

and sewing catalogs. There were devastating punishments for minor infractions

– women with painted nails had their fingers cut off, thieves had their hands

cut off, and adulterers were stoned to death. In 1996, Afghanistan had become

one of the most repressive countries in the world … and, in the eyes of

Osama bin Laden, an ideal place to place his headquarters.

Photo: Getty Images

Oct 07, 2001



29楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-24 23:05 只看该作者






30楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-25 22:38 只看该作者























二十三楼:佛朗索瓦.杜瓦利埃(父) ( 海地)





二十八楼:奥马尔 (阿富汗 塔利班)


31楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-25 22:50 只看该作者




32楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-26 14:38 只看该作者




33楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-26 15:39 只看该作者




34楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-27 01:34 只看该作者


回:蒋介石啊 还不够班吧

驳:蒋介石还不够啊 蒋介石可比毛泽东独裁多了

回:恩 书上是这么说的


(结果俺爸又看了阿文强的那个古今中外军人抚恤费 沉默的去看海峡两岸 去了..



35楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-27 01:45 只看该作者



36楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-6-29 09:26 只看该作者




37楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-7-1 18:24 只看该作者



38楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-7-11 03:20 只看该作者





39楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-7-11 03:37 只看该作者

巴列维最帅(到底王室血统啊) 斯大林最威武 金二世只能是最矬了


40楼 大 中 小 发表于 2009-7-11 03:40 只看该作者

其实独裁不独裁并不能代表政权的好坏 马来西亚和新加坡就是在马哈蒂尔还有李光耀的独裁统治下发展起来的 而且拿破伦也是独裁政权
